'UP with Chris Hayes' had ett intressant inslag om hur president Obama slår tillbaka och identifierar miljardärerna som högt och tydligt förklarat hur de tänker besegra honom. Han har säkerligen tröttnat på demoniseringen av honom. Chris Hayes beskriver hur en Obama talesman påpekar bl.a hur miljardärerna tjänar pengar på att höja bensinpriserna och stöder ett extremt Tea-party. Obama har svalt förolämpningar förut, men nu tar han ton. Och miljardärerna känner sig förorättade berättar Chris Hayes.
"Koch brothers driving anti-Obama machine"
(Där finns en video från ABC som är intressant)
""Together, they're probably the nation's biggest political donors. Nobody else -- notGeorge Soros, not Bill Gates, not even Sheldon Adelson -- comes close. And their influence is everywhere. They're major funders of two conservative think tanks, the Heritage Foundation and the Cato Institute. They've created pseudo-scientific research centers on many college campuses, like the Mercatus Center of George Mason University. They're the sugar daddies behind two powerful political organizations, FreedomWorks andAmericans for Prosperity -- which is currently running anti-Obama TV ads in 10 states. They were the money bags behind the tea party. They put up the funds to oppose new mining safety regulations in West Virginia, overturn tough mileage standards in California, and elect Scott Walker in Wisconsin. And, by my count, they're principal sources of funding for at least 57 conservative political action groups. Indeed, their political empire is so vast it's been called the "Kochtopus." Charles Lewis, founder of the Center for Public Integrity, told the New Yorker's Jane Mayer, "The Kochs are on a whole different level. There's no one else who has spent this much money. ... They are the Standard Oil of our times." And for the last three years, most of that money, directly or indirectly, has been fueling a hate-filled campaign against President Obama, marked by personal attacks worse than any American president has faced since Abraham Lincoln. Obama's been called a communist, fascist, socialist, Marxist, Nazi and America-hating terrorist. The chair of the Republican National Committee even compared him to the captain of the ill-fated Costa Concordia, a man responsible for the deaths of at least 17 passengers."
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