Rolling Stone (nättidningen) brukar ha intressanta och avslöjande artiklar av den begåvade journalisten Matt Taibbi som nu har skrivit en svidande negativ artikel: Bank of America: Too Crooked to Fail.
Han skräder verkligen inte orden, det är sällan man läser en artikel med sådana kraftord, de behövs för att uttrycka en skandalös situation -- man bör läsa artikeln i sin helhet. (Svenska banker framstår i jämförelse som rena helgon)
Vill bara ge ett smakprov:
"These guys are some of the very biggest assholes on Earth. They lie, cheat and steal as reflexively as addicts, they laugh at people who are suffering and don't have money, they pay themselves huge salaries with money stolen from old people and taxpayers – and on top of it all, they completely suck at banking."
Illustration by Victor Juhasz |
Vill bara ge ett smakprov:
"These guys are some of the very biggest assholes on Earth. They lie, cheat and steal as reflexively as addicts, they laugh at people who are suffering and don't have money, they pay themselves huge salaries with money stolen from old people and taxpayers – and on top of it all, they completely suck at banking."
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